Organizational Restructuring
Organizational structure, should evolve in a way, sensitive to the changes at the external environment. Competitive conditions at the external environment, technology, social structure, customer expectations, stakeholder expectations, changes in many areas such as legal and employment patterns affect organizational structures. Transform and development of companies also makes it necessary to reorganize the organizational structure. We support creating sensitive to change, constantly evolving, flexible, participatory,  competitive and high-performance management models.
Organizational design and organizational structure is vital for the actualization of your vision and strategy. 
Boxes and graphics shown in the organizational structure are not only related at where we want to see our staff, it is how we can generate added-value and performance impact associated with corporate value we generate.
We, ICC, help our clients to eliminatte organizational inefficiencies and creating effective working models for achieving the company's strategic objectives.
Our services in this field:
The creation of job descriptions and job analysis
Modeling and organizational restructuring
Determination of the norm staff
Reorganisation management